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When Carol and Dave travel the highways of Georgia, they are reminded just how large and beautiful this state is. (FYI: Biggest state east of the Mississippi River.) They especially love to explore Georgia’s back roads. They take time to get off the highways and stop in some of Georgia’s many charming towns. There are hundreds of these quaint towns. Sprawling hills and endless fields of lush farmland separate the towns. One of their most impressive sights are endless groves of beautiful pecan trees. Countless rows of trees as far as one can see, and trees produce the absolute best pecans in the world. Many trees have been producing pecans for a couple hundred years or more. A farmer planted each tree to provide us with delicious Georgia pecans; from the day they are planted, it takes about 10 to 15 years to yield a crop.! They’re worth the wait, of course. These pecans are Georgia Grown.

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