Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend


Try grinding it on fresh sliced tomatoes, or any vegetable dish.  This is also especially good for sauces, baked chicken and fish.


This is our special grinder blend developed for herb and salt lovers, with a re-usable grinder top for easy flavoring.

Ingredient: Coarse Atlantic sea salt, parsley, chives, rosemary, basil, celery seed, sage, thyme, marjoram, cilantro, dill.


Perfect Pan-Broiled Steak, Déglacé Sauce, and Herb Butter

Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Salt Table Savannah Style Hickory Smoked Beef Rub and Southern Herb Garden Blends

Summer may be the season for grilling steaks outdoors, but in Savannah, when the heat and humidity of mid-summer are at their peak, it’s often too uncomfortable outside to even think of standing over a hot grill. That’s when pan-broiling becomes the perfect answer, especially with The Salt Table’s Hickory Smoked Beef Rub lending that great hickory-wood-grilled flavor. If you’d prefer a less smoky flavor, use Savannah Summer Salt Seasoning Blend instead.

Yes, you’ll need a pan and a hot oven to finish the steaks, but the process goes quickly and indoor temperatures are usually much more bearable.


Seven Secrets to Perfect Pan-Broiled Steaks:

  • The steaks should be at least 1-inch thick but less than 2 inches thick. They need to be thick enough so as not to overcook at the center before the outer surface is sufficiently caramelized, but not so thick that the outside chars before the center is done.
  • You need a heavy-bottomed pan that isn’t much larger than the steaks. If it’s too large, the fat rolls out to the edges and burns, making for an unpleasant smoky experience. My preference is well-seasoned cast iron.
  • Have the meat at room temperature. I know what’s being said about having them really cold so that the center stays rare, but unless you like them “blue-rare” (a barely warm 90 degrees at the center), for pan-broiling, cold meat is not going to cook evenly.
  • Make sure the surface is dry: wrap the steaks well in a couple of layers of paper towels for a few minutes and blot them well before adding them to the pan.
  • Season them before they’re cooked. You want to give the seasonings a chance to sink into the meat. Conventional wisdom used to hold that salt drew the moisture out of the steaks, but in pan-broiling, they’re cooked before that really starts to happen.
  • Have the oven heated and ready to finish the steak. This will you achieve a more even level of doneness while minimizing the amount of smoke in the kitchen.
  • Have the rest of the meal ready: once the steaks have rested, they won’t wait while you fiddle with something else, and déglacé sauce won’t hold.

The first turn.

Searing the second side


Checking the second side sear.


The fully seared steak ready for the oven.


Checking temperature for doneness.


Temperature Chart for Levels of Doneness:

Keep in mind that the internal temperature will climb another 5 degrees while it’s resting, so take it when the thermometer is reading 5 degrees lower than given here for the preferred level of doneness.

  • “Rare” (warm, soft, deep red center):                                110-120 degrees F
  • “Medium rare” (warm, medium-firm, red center:               125-130 degrees F
  • “Medium” (warm, firm red center):                                     130-135 degrees F
  • “Medium well” (hot pink-red center):                                  140-145 degrees F

Note: The optional sauce here is a Déglacé (pronounced Day-glah-SAY), which is really just French for “pan-gravy” but doesn’t it sound much classier in French?

Serves 2


Ingredients:  For the Steaks:

  • 1 1-1/4-inch-thick strip steak (about 1 pound) or 2 1-1/4-inch-thick trimmed rib or tenderloin steaks
  • Salt Table Savannah Style Hickory Smoked Beef Rub
  • About 1 tablespoons unsalted butter

Ingredients: For the Déglacé, if making:

  • 1 tablespoon finely minced shallot
  • ½ cup dry white vermouth
  • 2-3 tablespoons beef broth
  • 2-3 tablespoons unsalted butter chilled and cut into chunks
  • 2 tablespoons minced parsley

For Finishing without Déglacé:


How to Make: Southern Herb Garden Butter (recipe follows), for steak served whole on the plate

  1. Be sure the steaks are room temperature, and have all the side dishes ready. Position a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 450-500 degrees F. Wrap the steaks well with paper towels and gently press to blot them, then put a well-seasoned 10-inch cast iron pan over medium heat. Leave it to heat for 4 minutes (set a timer).
  2. While the pan heats, unwrap the steaks and rub liberally with Hickory Smoked Beef Rub. Let them sit until the pan is hot. Add 2 small pats of butter (about half a tablespoon each) to the pan. They will immediately start to sizzle; lay the steaks over the butter and raise the heat to medium-high. Let them sear until they are well-browned. If they seem to be sticking to the pan, let them sear until they naturally release. This should be no more than 2 minutes.
  3. Turn and sear on the second side for another 1½-to-2 minutes, then transfer the pan to the oven. Cook until they are done to your taste, about 1-to-1½-minutes for very rare, 2 minutes for medium rare, 2½-to-3 for medium. If you like them well-done you’re on your own. The exact timing will depend on the thickness of the steak, so if it’s thicker it may need a minute more.
  4. Remove the pan from oven and transfer the steaks to a plate or small platter. Let them rest 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, divide whatever side dishes you’re serving with the steaks between two warm dinner plates and make the Déglacé Sauce (see step 5) if you’re having it. If you’re finishing them with Southern Herb Garden Butter, turn off the heat and skip to step 6.
  5. To finish them with Déglacé, while the streaks are resting, return the pan to medium heat. Add the shallot and sauté until it’s golden. Pour in the wine and broth, stirring and scraping to loosen the cooking residue. Raise the heat to high and boil until the liquids are reduced and almost syrupy, then quickly remove it from the heat and swirl or whisk in a tablespoon of butter until it’s emulsified into the liquid. Gradually add the remaining butter in the same way. Swirl in the parsley. If you’ve made a strip steak, slice it crosswise into an even number of slices. Quickly transfer the steak to the prepared dinner plates, pour the sauce over it, and serve immediately.
  6. To finish individual steaks with herb butter, transfer the steaks to the prepared plates and top each with a generous 1-to-1½ tablespoon-sized slice of it and serve immediately.


Southern Herb Garden Butter

Classic Maître d’Hôtel and other herbed butters usually involve several ingredients, but with The Salt Table’s Southern Herb Garden Blend, the seasonings are already a balanced blend. This makes a nice presentation on a whole steak, but really doesn’t work on steak that’s served sliced. This not only can be made ahead, it should be made at least 3-4 hours ahead to give the seasoning time to fully reconstitute and flavor the butter.

Other good seasoning choices are Southern Spring Blend, Leek, Chive and Onion Seasoning Blend, Shamrock Dust, and of course All Round Good Grinder Blend.

Makes about 8 tablespoons, serving 4-8



  • 4 ounces (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter, preferably European, softened
  • About 1 tablespoon of Salt Table Southern Herb Garden Blend, or to taste
  • About 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

How to make Southern Herb Garden Butter:

  1. Lightly cream the butter with a wooden spoon. Season it well with Southern Herb Garden, add the lemon juice, to taste, and blend well. Taste and adjust the Herb Garden Blend as needed. This can be done in a food processor fitted with a steel blade.
  2. Spoon the seasoned butter onto one end of a square of wax paper. Roll it up in the paper into a 1-inch-diameter cylinder and fold the ends. Chill until firm. To serve, slice it into 1/2-to-1-1/2-tablespoon rounds as needed. It will keep for up to 2 weeks, well-wrapped and refrigerated. Use it to top warm steaks, fish, lamb chops, or vegetables.


Suggested Seasonings

Smoked Savannah Style Hickory Beef Rub

Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend

Italian White Bean Salad

Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Salt Table Southern Italian Blend or Southern Herb Garden Blend


Southern Italian Blend is a perfect pairing with white beans, whether they’re served hot or cold and whether the beans are cannellini, (Italian white kidney beans), Great Northern, or even Navy beans. It’s a great side dish on its own with almost any grilled food.

My favorite easy summer lunch is to mix this with two well-drained six-ounce cans of solid light tuna packed in olive oil. I offer lemon wedges on the side for that.

Other appropriate Salt Table blends for seasoning this salad would be Southern Herb Garden and All ‘Round Good Grinder Blend.

Serves 4


  • 3 cups cooked, drained cannellini (white kidney beans), or canned cannellini
  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 heaped tablespoons nonpareil capers, drained
  • 12-16 brine-cured black olives, pitted and sliced (do not use canned)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • The Salt Table Southern Italian Blend or Southern Herb Garden Blend
  • Romaine lettuce leaves, optional

How to make it:

  1. If you’re using canned beans, drain and rinse them well. In a mixing bowl, toss together the beans, onion, capers, olives, and 1 tablespoon parsley. Season well with Southern Italian blend, to taste, sprinkle with enough oil to lightly coat the beans and gently toss until they’re evenly coated. Sprinkle lightly with vinegar, to taste, toss, and let stand 30 minutes.
  2. Taste and adjust the vinegar, oil, and seasoning blend, gently toss, and if liked serve the salad over lettuce leaves. Sprinkle the remaining parsley over the salad just before serving.

Southern Italian Grinder Blend

Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend

Uova alla Fiorentina (Italian-Style Eggs Florentine)

 Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Salt Table Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

This lighter rendition of Eggs Florentine actually is from Florence (Italy, of course, not South Carolina). Perfect for spring weather, it can be served over pan-toasted bread: Butter 8 slices ½-inch-thick crusty Italian bread and pan-grill it over medium heat until browned on both sides.

Serves 4


2 pounds fresh spinach, or 2 10-ounce packages frozen whole leaf spinach, thawed

1 cup tomato sauce such as Marinara

Salt Table Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend or use another great Salt Table blend noted below

¼ cup (4 tablespoons) extra virgin olive oil

About 1- 1½ cups freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, optional

8 poached eggs (recipe follows)



  1. If using fresh spinach, wash it in several changes of water and remove any tough stems. Put it into a lidded skillet with the water that’s clinging to it, cover, and cook over medium high heat until just wilted. Drain, cool enough to handle, and squeeze out excess moisture. If using frozen spinach, omit the preliminary cooking and squeeze out any excess moisture.
  2. Heat the sauce over medium low heat. If liked, season it lightly with Hostess City Southern Hospitality blend. Keep it warm. Put the oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add the spinach and season lightly with Hostess City Southern Hospitality blend. Sauté, tossing often, until it’s hot through, tender, and dry, about 2 minutes. Turn off the heat. Mix in ½ cup Parmigiano or more, to taste, taste adjust the seasoning.
  3. Divide the spinach among 4 warm plates. Top each serving with 2 eggs and grind a little Hostess City Southern Hospitality blend over each egg. Spoon the tomato sauce evenly over the eggs and lightly sprinkle with cheese. Serve at once with more cheese passed separately.

* Other appropriate blends are Southern Italian Grinder Blend, All Round Good Grinder Blend, Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend, and River Street Cobblestone Grinder Blend

Perfect Poached Eggs

For 2 to 4 eggs (1-2 servings)


1-2 tablespoons distilled white or white wine vinegar

2-4 large eggs

Optional for serving: salt, whole pepper in a mill, softened butter and/or Sauce Hollandaise (see recipe)

  1. If you’re planning to make the eggs ahead, prepare a large basin of ice water. Put at least 2 and up to 4 inches of water in a deep, lidded saucepan. Turn on the heat to high, cover, and bring the water to a boil, then add the vinegar and reduce the heat so that it bubbles steadily but isn’t boiling hard. One at a time, break each egg into shallow bowl and slip into pan at point where water is bubbling. Let it settle and gently turn it to help egg form oval. Add up to 3 more eggs in the same way.
  2. When all the eggs are in pan, let them simmer until their whites are set and yolks are still quite soft, about 1½ to 2 minutes. Remove them with slotted spoon, let them drain thoroughly, and trim any loose tendrils of egg white. Serve immediately while still warm.
  3. If you’re making the eggs ahead, immediately slip them into the ice water bath until they’re chilled. Store them in cold water until needed (refrigerated if holding more than a couple of hours). To reheat them, drain and drop into large pan with at least 1½ inches simmering water and heat until warmed through, about ½-to-1 minute. Serve warm.


Suggested Seasonings

Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

Southern Italian Grinder Blend

Stir-Fried Asparagus with Leeks and New Potatoes

 Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Salt Table Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

This recipe is adapted from Beans, Greens, & Sweet Georgia Peaches, Second Edition, by Damon Lee Fowler (Globe Pequot Press/2014). The original had parsley, salt, and pepper as seasonings, but the herbs and lemon essence blended into The Salt Table’s Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend are perfect mates for spring asparagus, new potatoes, and leeks. It really adds a boost the flavor and condenses the condiments into a single ingredient that requires only a few shakesr.

Serves 4


  • ½ pound small red new potatoes, scrubbed under cold running water
  • 1½ pounds fresh, fat-stemmed asparagus
  • Green tops of 2 large leeks, washed and trimmed
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • Salt Table Hotess City Southern Hospitality Blend* or use another great Salt Table blend noted below
  • 1 tablespoon minced flat leaf parsley, optional


How to make it:

  1. Bring at least an inch of water to a boil over medium high heat in a heavy bottomed pot. Put the steaming basket or insert in or over the pot, add the potatoes, cover, and reduce the heat to medium. Steam until the potatoes are just tender and can be pierced easily with a sharp paring knife, about 8-10 minutes. Let them cool, and if making them ahead, cover and refrigerate. They can be precooked as much as a day ahead.
  2. Meanwhile, wash and trim the asparagus, peel the tough lower part of stem, and cut it into 1-inch lengths, keeping the tips separate from stems. Slice the leek greens crosswise into 2-inch lengths, then cut into thin strips. When ready to finish the sauté, cut the potatoes into 1-inch pieces (halves if small, quarters if larger, eighths if really large).
  3. Melt the butter in a large skillet or sauté pan over medium high heat. Add the asparagus stems. Stir-fry, tossing frequently, until they’re bright green and beginning to soften, about 3 minutes. Add the potatoes and continue tossing until beginning to turn golden, about 3 minutes longer.
  4. Add the leek greens and asparagus tips and season well with several grindings of Hostess City Southern Hospitality blend. Stir-fry, tossing frequently, until the asparagus is crisp-tender and beginning to brown, but still firm and bright green. Stir in the parsley if using and turn off the heat. Taste and correct Hostess City Southern Hospitality blend and serve at once.


Suggested Seasonings

Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

* Other appropriate blends would be The Salt Table’s Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend, All Round Good Grinder Blend, and Southern Italian Grinder Blend

Herb Roasted Salmon

 Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring your choice of several Salt Table Seasoning Table Blends

One of these excellent Salt Table Blends, enhanced with lemon essence and sea salt, is ideal for most fish but especially compatible with spring salmon. Roasting in a hot oven is a simple way to cook fish fillets that is easy even for novices.


Any of these Salt Table blends are perfect:

Totally Awesome Grinder Blend

Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend

All Round Good Grinder Blend

Southern Italian Grinder Blend

Tybee Island Coastal Grinder Blend


Serves 4



4 6-ounce wild salmon filets

Choose one of the Salt Table Seasoning Blends 

Extra-virgin olive oil

2 teaspoons finely chopped Italian (flat-leaf) parsley


  1. Position a rack in upper third of oven and preheat to 450° F. Season the fish on all sides with Southern Springtime Blend. Rub a roasting pan, rimmed sheet pan, or large metal (copper or enameled iron) gratin with oil and put in the filets, skin-side down. Drizzle with more oil.
  2. Roast until the fish is done to your taste, about 10 minutes per inch of thickness. Sprinkle with Salt Table Seasoning Blend and serve it from the pan or transfer it to individual plates and serve immediately.



Gratin of New Potatoes with Spring Onions

Gratin of New Potatoes with Spring Onions

Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring these suggested seasoning choices:

Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

Totally Awesome Grinder Blend

Southern Italian Grinder Blend

All Round Good Grinder Blend

Southern Herb Garden Grinder Blend

River Street Cobblestone Grinder Blend


Potato gratins don’t have to be heavy with white sauce or cream or, for that matter, loaded with cheese to be good. Use The Salt Table blend of your choice, any would be an ideal pairing for new potatoes and pairs well with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and a couple of fresh green onions to brighten the flavor.

Serves 4


1¼ pounds small new potatoes

2 small green onions, washed, trimmed and thinly sliced

Use any of the great Salt Table blends noted above

1¼ cups (about 5 ounces) freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese

3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon unsalted butter, melted

¼ cup dry breadcrumbs



  1. Prepare a heavy-bottomed pot with at least 1 inch cold water and a steamer insert (the water should not touch the insert). Cover and bring it to boil over high heat. Meanwhile, scrub the potatoes under cold running water. Add them to the pot, cover, and steam 2 minutes. Adjust the heat to medium and steam until the potatoes are just tender, about 15-20 minutes, depending on their size.
  2. Remove them from the pot and let them cool enough to handle. Butter a 2-quart gratin dish or shallow casserole. Slice the potatoes and arrange them in rows in dish, overlapping and scattering the onions among the potatoes and seasoning each row with the Salt Table Blend . Sprinkle each row with a little Parmigiano and as you go, reserving ¼ cup for topping the gratin. Drizzle each row with butter, reserving 1 teaspoon for the crumbs. If any onions remain, scatter them over top. The gratin can be made several hours ahead to this point. Cover well.
  3. 45 minutes before serving, position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 375° F. Sprinkle the gratin with the remaining Parmigiano-Reggiano. Melt the remaining teaspoon of butter over low heat in a small skillet. Add the breadcrumbs and stir until they evenly absorb the butter. Sprinkle the buttered crumbs over the top and bake in the center of the oven until it’s hot through and the top is lightly browned, about 20-25 minutes. Let settle 5 minutes before serving.


Broiled Chicken Breasts Dijon

 Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

your choice of Salt Table Seasoning Blend

This is a lean and simple alternative to sautéed or fried chicken cutlets with far less mess. They can also be grilled if you prefer. If the only chicken breast halves you find are 10-12-ounce each, split them in half horizontally. The Salt Table’s Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend make short work of the seasoning and really enhances the mustard marinade.

Your choice of one of these fine Salt Table Seasoning Blends

Hostess City Southern Hospitality Blend

Totally Awesome Seasoning Blend

Salt Table’s Herbes de Provence

Southern Herb Garden Blend,

All Round Good Grinder Blend

Serves 4


4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (about 6 ounces each)

Your choice of the Salt Table seasoning blend noted above

1 small clove garlic, crushed, peeled, and roughly chopped

Pinch medium-course Salt Table Himalayan or sea salt

¼ cup Dijon mustard

¼ cup dry white wine or dry white vermouth

1 tablespoon olive oil


How to make it:

  1. Position a rack 8 inches below the heat source and preheat the oven broiler for 15 minutes. Trim the chicken of any fat and cartilage and pat dry. Put them into a shallow glass or ceramic dish. Lightly season them on all sides with Your choice of the Salt Table seasoning blend noted above.
  2. Sprinkle the chopped garlic with the pinch of salt and, with the side of a knife blade, scrape and rub to a puree. Scoop it into a small bowl. Whisk the mustard into garlic, then whisk in the vermouth and olive oil. Season lightly with more Salt Table Blend. Pour this over the chicken, turning to coat it, and let it marinate 15-30 minutes.
  3. Rub a rimmed baking sheet or bottom of flameproof (broiler safe) casserole with olive oil. Lift the chicken breasts from the marinade, put them skin-side down in pan, and brush them well with the marinade.
  4. Broil until they’re beginning to color, about 3-4 minutes. Turn, brush with more marinade, and broil until they’re lightly browned and cooked through, about 4 minutes longer. Discard remaining marinade.

Seafood Stuffed Tomatoes

Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Tybee Island Coastal Blend (or River Street Cobblestone Blend, or Southern Herb Garden Blend)

Ripe tomatoes filled with local shrimp and crab and baked are an old Lowcountry-Savannah favorite in the summer, when all the ingredients are seasonal and at their most flavorful. They’re pretty simple to make, but even simpler with The Salt Table’s Tybee Island Coastal Grinder Blend. Other great seasonings for them are River Street Cobblestone Blend and Southern Herb Garden Blend.

Serves 4


  • 4 large ripe tomatoes
  • Kosher salt
  • ½ pound small to medium shrimp
  • ½ pound (1 tightly packed cup) picked crabmeat
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
  • ½ cup minced yellow onion (about half a medium onion)
  • 1 cup coarsely crushed cracker crumbs
  • Salt Table Tybee Island Coastal Grinder Blend
  • ¼ cup fine cracker crumbs


  1. Cut ¼-inch from the stem end of the tomatoes, scoop out and discard their seeds, and carefully scoop out the inner pulp with a sharp spoon or melon baller, leaving the outer walls of each tomato intact. Roughly chop the pulp. Lightly salt the shells and invert them over a colander for 30 minutes.
  2. Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil and add the shrimp. As soon as they’re curled and pink, about a minute or less, immediately drain them. Rinse them under cold running water, peel, and if they aren’t very small, cut them into 2 or 3 pieces. Pick over the crabmeat for bits of shell.
  3. Put 2 tablespoons butter and the onion in a sauté pan over medium heat and sauté, tossing, until the onion is translucent, about 4 minutes. Add the tomato pulp and cook until it is beginning to break down and its juices are thick, about 4 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the coarse cracker crumbs, crab, and shrimp and toss to mix. Season well Tybee Island Coastal Blend.
  4. Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat it to 375° F. Bring a teakettle full of water to a rolling boil. Butter a 9-inch casserole. Pat the inside of the tomato shells dry and put them in the casserole, open side up. Divide the filling among them, mounding it on top.
  5. Wipe out the pan in which the filling was made and add the remaining tablespoon of butter. Melt it over low heat, add the fine crumbs, and toss until the butter is evenly absorbed. Turn off the heat and sprinkle the buttered crumbs over the tops of the tomatoes. Carefully pour boiling water around them until it comes not quite halfway up their sides. Bake until the tomatoes are barely cooked and the filling is hot through, about 20 minutes.


Suggested Seasonings

Tybee Island Coastal Grinder Blend

This recipe also works well with River Street Cobblestone Blend or Southern Herb Garden Blend

Southern Italian Stuffed Zucchini

Recipe by Damon Lee Fowler, featuring

Southern Italian Stuffed Zucchini

Stuffed vegetables are popular with Italian cooks, particularly in Liguria, the coastal province that’s also known as the Italian Riviera. These are most often offered as an antipasto (appetizer), but they’re substantial enough to serve as a light main dish for lunch or supper. The Salt Table’s Savannah Summer Salt or Southern Italian Grinder Blend is a perfect pairing with the flavors of this, and also works well with these other great seasoning combinations; River Street Cobblestone Blend and Southern Herb Garden Blend.


This recipe works great with:

Savannah Summer Salt Seasoning Blend

Southern Italian Grinder Seasoning Blend

River Street Cobblestone Seasoning Blend

Southern Herb Garden Seasoniong Blend

Serves 4-8



  • 4 small zucchini, each less than 6 inches long
  • The Salt Table Seasoning Blend of your choice (to taste)
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup minced shallots or yellow onion
  • ½ cup chopped prosciutto
  • 1 cup fine soft breadcrumbs
  • ½ cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano


  1. Position a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 375° F. Scrub the squash under cold running water. Put them in a wide, shallow, lidded pan and add just enough water to cover. Lift out the squash, cover the pan, and bring the water to a boil. Return the squash to the pan, cover, bring it back to a boil, then uncover, reduce the heat, and simmer until barely tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and let them cool enough to handle.
  2. Split them lengthwise and carefully scoop out centers, leaving a ¼-inch shell. Lightly season these with the Salt table seasoning Blend of choice. Roughly chop the pulp.
  3. Put the shallot and butter in pan over medium heat. Sauté, tossing occasionally, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the zucchini pulp and cook until its liquid is evaporated. Add the prosciutto, toss until hot, and turn off heat. Stir in the crumbs and all but 3 tablespoons of the Parmigiano cheese. Season to taste with the Salt Table Seasoning Blend of your choice.
  4. Fill the zucchini shells with stuffing, mounding it on top, and put in a lightly buttered casserole, stuffing side up. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake until hot through and tops are golden brown, about 20-30 minutes


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